Marcus Wohlsen (AP), Huffington Post, Wisdom Quarterly, Occupy Oakland
Paramilitary tactics on a peaceful civilian demonstration? It's what US police have been waiting to unpack as they take us from Brave New World Order to Orwellian nightmare.
OAKLAND, Northern California - Shock and awe. Police in full riot gear with tear gas and three helicopters overhead cleared anti-Wall Street Occupy Oakland protesters this morning (Oct. 25) from the plaza in front of Oakland's City Hall where they have been camped out for about two weeks. TV news footage shows numerous people in plastic handcuffs being led away from the site by police around after the 5:00 am raid. The protesters did not appear to be resisting, although an officer did fire a [potentially deadly] non-lethal projectile from a shotgun at a protester who lobbed a bottle, authorities told the San Francisco Chronicle. More
This morning at 5:00 am over 500 police in riot gear from cities all over central California brutally attacked the Occupy Oakland encampment at the intersection of 14th & Broadway. Riot police attacked the peaceful protest with flash grenades, tear gas, and [deadly canon style] rubber bullets after moving in with armored vehicles. Apparently, the media was not allowed in to document this repression, and one was warned or allowed to leave. Police established barricades as far apart as 11th and 17th. Over 70 people were arrested, and the camping gear was destroyed and/or stolen by riot police. Contact the mayor and tell her what you think of her actions.
Reconvene today (Tuesday, Oct. 25) at 4:00 pm at the Oakland Library on 14th & Madison.
We're not finished. We have only begun.
We will be protesting this planned atrocity at the next City Council meeting.
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